Would you like to learn how to build a successful and effective functional medicine practice?
Are you getting the results you want with your patients?
Would you like to work fewer hours and have more time off to pursue what you love to do?
Are you tired of taking functional medicine courses that don’t deliver?
I’ve been practicing functional medicine in the trenches for 20 years, and I’m now excited to teach exceptional, motivated practitioners all they need to know to build a successful and highly effective practice. I’d like to emphasize “highly effective” because that is the real key to building the practice you have always wanted.
I’ve worked with patients in 43 states and 25 foreign countries with a high success rate. I’m ready to share – with an exclusive group of apprentices – all the patient management strategies that got me to this point.
I’ve given this a lot of thought, and the best way to help practitioners is through a true apprenticeship program that takes you from start to finish. You’ll graduate from the program with a Hedberg Institute Certificate, totally confident and ready to work with any patient that crosses your path.
This program includes:
All Hedberg Institute course materials*
- The Infection Connection
- Functional Medicine Fundamentals
- Master Thyroid Disorders
- Natural Hormone Replacement
- Gut Health Mastery
- Functional Medicine Case Study Series
- Webinars Series
- Full membership access to all courses, webinars, case studies, research reviews, ebooks, protocols, white papers, therapeutic diets, and more.
*These materials are a $9,500 value.
All My Practice Systems
Expert Knowledge:
- Virtual practice essentials
- Establishing target market
- Laboratory testing
- Supplementation
- Patient management
- Lab tracking
- Business forms and documents
- Practice software
- International patient essentials
- How to teach patients to use critical thinking skills
We’ll discuss how to position yourself as an expert in your main area of practice interest.
Additional marketing topics:
- Developing a niche
- Email marketing
- Social Media
- YouTube
- Blogging
- Podcasting
- Landing podcast interviews
- Guest blogging
- Marketing to current clients
Personalized Assistance:
- One-on-one Zoom calls: 2 one-hour calls per month
- Master apprenticeship document for questions and collaboration
- Email support questions in between conference calls
- Limited to only 2 apprentices per 6-month period
You’ll also receive one year of access to the full Hedberg Institute Membership, which includes:
- Detailed case studies with laboratory assessment and treatment plan.
- Research paper reviews with cutting-edge information you can use in your practice.
- Practice success tips.
- Complete Webinar archive access.
Members-only area includes:
- Detailed Protocols
- Patient handouts
- Therapeutic diets
- White papers
- ebooks
Dr. Hedberg has an amazing program with strong fundamentals, the application of the information is patient-focused and very provider friendly. Thorough patient assessment tools and treatment plans that work extremely effective at getting results. The bonus I feel in this program is all the clinical pearls that are shared throughout each module. I thank you and my patients thank you! Keep sharing!”
– Dr. Raymond Higby, D.C.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the program?
Six months.
How many apprentices are accepted per 6-month period?
We accept 2 apprentices per period so Dr. Hedberg can dedicate 110% to each practitioner.
What practitioner types qualify?
Nurse practitioner
How do I sign up?
The apprenticeship is by application and invitation only. Once you complete the application, we’ll schedule a short call and discuss if the apprenticeship program is right for you.
How much is the program?
Are payment options available?
Yes, and we can discuss this during our initial phone call.
“I really wish I had access to a program like this one when I was just starting out. I also needed a program like this when I was struggling to take my practice to the next level. I’ve decided to create a program that I wish existed at both junctures in my own practice evolution.
The cost of this program is a fraction of what I spent self-educating, and you’re saving thousands of hours of your own time. That’s because I’ve already done all the grunt work for you, and in the Hedberg Institute FM Apprenticeship, you are getting the benefit of all the education and wisdom that I bring to the table.
You don’t have to spend your precious time and money on learning all of the essential patient, practice, and business elements we were never taught in school.
I’m really excited about working with you and getting to know you and your practice. Please let me know if you have any questions. Just send me a message at drhedberg@hedberginstitute.com
I look forward to hearing from you!
~Dr. Nikolas Hedberg